Member-only story
The Joy of an Unexpected Laugh
When a friend catches you off-guard
This past summer, I went on a Philly Ghost Tour with one of my oldest friends.
Sidenote: Find a friend who will go on ghost tours with you. They are a rare breed.
After the tour ended, we walked back to her car. Our path led us by Independence Hall, which at night is all lit up.
One of the perks of having an old friend is that by this point in our lives, we can discuss anything because we have already discussed everything. Very few, if any, topics are off-limits.
Sidenote: Be grateful if you have even one or two friends like this. It is lovely.
As we were strolling along, the topic turned to motherhood. Now I have no children whereas my friend more than one. I asked her if anything had changed with pregnancy, like her feet growing an extra half-size. (It sounds weird, but I swear it’s legit.) My friend turned to me and said, “Nah, my feet didn’t grow, but now when I have to buy bras, I have to shop in the heavy lifting department.”
And I, in the shadow of the birthplace of American independence, burst out laughing. I sputtered out something in disbelief.
I’m sure the section in the department store is not labeled as “heavy lifting.” But A) who comes up with that? and B) it’s hysterical.
It truly was an unexpected laugh that brought me joy.
Sidenote: Hold onto the old friends who make you laugh. They are the best.