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Six Things to Do In Spring
Today, the mayor of Philadelphia announced his goal of lifting all mask restrictions in the city by June 11. In other exciting news, I just read that hugs (outside of the household bubble) will be allowed in England on May 17. I was never a fan of hugs growing up, just wasn’t the touchy-feely type. I’m still not in many ways but man, the few hugs I’ve given and have been on the receiving end of, since many of my friends and family are now vaccinated, have been wonderful.
So since I’m riding high on this exciting news, I decided to come up with a list of things you can do on a beautiful spring day (even if it is unseasonably cold for May in Philadelphia.)
- Take a walk. I know, I know, not the most original idea, but just take a stroll down a street. Amble down an alley. Loiter near a lake. You get the idea. Just take the time to be able to experience the sounds, the sights, and the smells. It is the prettiest time of year to do this if you live in a place with four seasons.
- Pretend that you are a nature photographer. Take close-up photos of those blossoms. Balance the camera on a branch and take a photo looking into the tree. GET A SQUIRREL’S EYE VIEW. You might feel a little self-conscious but it’s pretty fun taking a photo of a tulip from the ground looking up.
- Hug a tree. You may feel ridiculous. Who cares? You are alive and you can hug a tree, so do so.
- Open the windows in your home and let as much fresh air in as possible. It will get too hot soon enough…