Member-only story
On my commute home today I saw a giant inflatable rat posted in front of a new restaurant. This is not the first time I have seen this rat, nor will it be the last as union protests are not uncommon in Philadelphia. But today was the first time I saw it and thought to myself, “I feel bad for the rat as the animal.”
I mean I don’t love rodents but what did the rat do to deserve such an ignominious association? From my understanding, they are smart creatures. I once even had a neighbor hat had a pet rat. His name was Pepperjack in case you were curious.
So why have they become associated with no good behavior? It is not their fault that they live in the sewers and that is what we associate with loathsome disgusting behavior. Ferrets, opossums and raccoons have all been found in sewers and yet you don’t see inflatable ferrets as a form of protest. (Although how fun would that be?)
Sloths have the reputation of being lazy and slow. Foxes are wily and cunning. And also good looking. To call someone a fox, is a good thing. To call them a cow -eh not so much. A dog is not a compliment and yet why not? Dogs are extremely lovable and loyal creatures. A bird is a female human. Was there someone who looked at their parakeet one day and was thinking “yeah mate, she reminds me of a human female!”
To monkey around is to goof around but if you look at it from the viewpoint that monkeys are our closest genetic relatives — maybe it just means that we should be having a little more fun? Busy as a bee is an expression, but I feel like…