Member-only story
Hot Pockets
Or putting the hot in Hot Pockets
Today, I was at CVS running errands when I decided to pick up Hot Pockets for lunch. I haven’t had one in a long time, but this flavor, “chicken, ranch, and bacon,” seemed intriguing.
As my parents can attest, I tend to gravitate toward intriguing foods. This works out in my favor only about 50% of the time.
After purchasing, I bring the Hot Pockets back to the office. This was going to be the moment…to boldly go where I have never been before…will the chicken/ranch/bacon taste delicious? I would soon find out.
I will admit I only read the directions once. After all, how hard could it be? I’m pretty sure the commercials featured kids making them without adult supervision. Apparently, the commercials needed to feature adults making them and needing adult supervision.
I put said hot pocket in the microwave and stepped out of the office to go to the ladies’ room. Two minutes top. I stepped back into the office, and a smell of smoke wafted down the hallway.
Oh no.
I return to the microwave, hoping someone else has caused the smoke. This hope was dashed as I opened the microwave, and smoke came out.
Hot Pocket had now become a quasi-burnt pocket.
Fortunately, no actual damage was done to the microwave and surrounding cabinets. And yes, I still ate it. It was not terrible despite the *ahem* added crispness.
Though slightly embarrassing, I’m looking at the experience with gratitude that I still learn new things daily. And guess what, folks? I still have the other Hot Pocket left!