Member-only story
Earth Day
Weather is weird but wonderful.
Today is Earth Day! A) I’m all about celebrating holidays. I don’t care if it’s National Peanut Butter Day or Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, I will try to celebrate it if I know it is going on. B) Earth Day has to be the most inclusive holiday. We all live on Earth therefore we all have reason to celebrate it.
Back in 2008, I had a very eco-conscious roommate. She would conserve water. She would bake bread. She would knit things instead of buying new clothes. You name it, she probably did it. Now growing up my family tried to do earth-friendly things like recycling and composting but this was on a whole another level. If I was a weekend earth warrior, she was like Captain Planet. (Classic show, it’s a shame it is no longer on.)
So on Earth Day 2008, she knew of a Green Festival going on in Washington D.C. and persuaded the other roommate and me to go. We drive down, walk all around the mall, and are enjoying ourselves when the heavens opened. I’m not talking Irish sunshine where it’s a bit misty, no, it was a full-on downpour. Like the rain was thinking “Oh it’s Earth Day, you are having a party, I must join in and I will bring my A-Game.” We got drenched.
Now I’m sure I wasn’t looking forward at this point to walking a couple of miles back to the car. I’m no delicate flower but I also don’t delight in deluges. However, when I look back, I don’t remember it being all that bad. We ended up having to walk in bare feet because our flip flops were useless and we stripped down when we got…